Tuesday, March 19, 2013

MST3k - A series in review, plus.

After a short post on Reddit in which I gave brief synopses of MST3k episodes led to the suggestion that I write more reviews, I was inspired to revisit my idea for a blog.  I have, in my past, written two or three essays on subjects tangentially related to episodes of MST3k I have watched.  The Painted Hills, starring Lassie, led me to write about ten inches on dog breeding.  Angels Revenge led me to write on feminism, the Bechdel test (which AR passes, ironically), and the realization that philosophical positions are not well-served by mere algorithmic expressions.

That's the premise of the blog: I will review an episode of MST3k -- in episode order because, why not -- and follow it up with a piece of writing I feel is relevant to the episode, if for no other reason than that the episode made me think of it.

Stay tuned for The Crawling Eye, plus whatever The Crawling Eye makes me think of!

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